In a recent project , I wanted to create a diagram of a repository for the appendix of a paper, including comments to highlight key files and explain how the folders were organised. I found this answer on Stack Exchange by user Gonzalo Medina , which I tweaked to produce the diagram below.
An annotated directory structure.
The code is below:
% Adapted from
\documentclass [tikz,border=5mm] { standalone}
\usepackage [edges] { forest}
\definecolor { foldercolor}{ RGB}{ 124,166,198}
\newcommand { \size } [2]{ { \fontsize { #1}{ 0} \selectfont #2}}
\definecolor { blue}{ RGB}{ 0,50,200}
\newcommand { \comment } [0]{ \color { blue} \rm }
\tikzset { pics/folder/.style={ code={
\node [inner sep=0pt, minimum size=#1] (-foldericon){} ;
\node [folder style, inner sep=0pt, minimum width=0.3*#1, minimum height=0.6*#1, above right, xshift=0.05*#1] at (-foldericon.west){} ;
\node [folder style, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=#1] at ({} ;}
} ,
pics/folder/.default={ 20pt} ,
folder style/.style={ draw=foldercolor!80!black,top color=foldercolor!40,bottom color=foldercolor}
\forestset { is file/.style={ edge path'/.expanded={
([xshift=\forestregister { folder indent} ]!u.parent anchor) |- (.child anchor)} ,
inner sep=1pt} ,
this folder size/.style={ edge path'/.expanded={
([xshift=\forestregister { folder indent} ]!u.parent anchor) |- (.child anchor) pic[solid]{ folder=#1}} , inner xsep=0.6*#1} ,
folder tree indent/.style={ before computing xy={ l=#1}} ,
folder icons/.style={ folder, this folder size=#1, folder tree indent=3*#1} ,
folder icons/.default={ 12pt} ,
for tree={ font=\ttfamily , grow'=0, folder indent=.9em, folder icons}
[cleaned\_ plants\_ database
[experts\_ extant.csv { \comment (which species are common and extant according to experts)} , is file]
[merged.csv { \comment (the plants database merged from different herbaria and museums)} , is file]
[first\_ last\_ detns\_ final.csv { \comment (input to SEUX model)} , is file]
[undetected\_ extinctions { \comment (shared SEUX model functions)}